
Top 10 Mediation Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Mediation solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Sw19lawyers LLP 51.42634779999999 -0.2171166 19262

Sw19lawyers LLP


Swan Turton LLP 51.5147537 -0.1260248 20240

Swan Turton LLP


Sw Solicitor Ltd 53.7244605 -0.4011549 22296

Sw Solicitor Ltd


Symmetry Law Limited 54.04815060000001 -2.8038266 19654

Symmetry Law Limited


Systech Solicitors Limited 51.50217970000001 -0.0819316 22262

Systech Solicitors Limited


Temple Bright LLP 51.4531972 -2.6044796 19909

Temple Bright LLP


T.e.w. Solicitors Limited 52.10043779999999 1.1122461 28047

T.e.w. Solicitors Limited


The Brooke Consultancy LLP 51.5278305 -0.0868564 18590

The Brooke Consultancy LLP


The Khan Partnership LLP 51.5206388 -0.1257111 21639

The Khan Partnership LLP


The Legal Director Limited 51.5142849 -0.0935872 18477

The Legal Director Limited


Thomas Harvey Legal Limited

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 980 Mediation solicitor firms in the UK

Thomas Harvey Legal Limited 53.7955067 -1.5500307 47010 Thomas Harvey Legal Limited

Thomas Harvey Legal Limited


Thomashaywood Limited 51.1271981 0.2600286 18257

Thomashaywood Limited


Thomas Miller Law Limited 51.5128966 -0.0774028 15319

Thomas Miller Law Limited



Thomson Hayton Winkley Limited 54.3301943 -2.747547200000001 20195

Thomson Hayton Winkley Limited


Thomson Webb & Corfield LLP 52.2524047 0.1054639 13962

Thomson Webb & Corfield LLP


Three Crowns (services) LLP 51.51679980000001 -0.1083999 15773

Three Crowns (services) LLP


Tlt LLP 51.452873 -2.590458 23392



Tm Legal Services Limited 53.7765657 -3.0338785 28441

Tm Legal Services Limited


Travers Smith LLP 51.51747330000001 -0.1033273 21109

Travers Smith LLP


Trinity International LLP 51.5168684 -0.0827126 22831

Trinity International LLP


Tt Law Limited 55.0204612 -1.5081778 16696

Tt Law Limited


Venire Law Ltd 53.4434993 -2.1991207 28066

Venire Law Ltd


Viceroy Legal Limited 51.51472099999999 -0.0973285 27949

Viceroy Legal Limited


Walker Morris LLP 53.7964113 -1.5539833 20781

Walker Morris LLP


Wallace LLP 51.5180354 -0.1446565 23540

Wallace LLP


Waterfront Solicitors LLP 51.50181569999999 -0.0965715 20835

Waterfront Solicitors LLP



Wedlake Bell LLP 51.5119508 -0.0949385 19868

Wedlake Bell LLP


White & Black Limited 51.8335197 -1.3469653 19718

White & Black Limited


White & Case LLP 51.5145099 -0.08531949999999999 22335

White & Case LLP


Whitefield Solicitors Ltd 53.5116125 -2.2440453 18105

Whitefield Solicitors Ltd

