
Top 10 Mediation Solicitors in Little London & Woodhouse

Here you can see the best Mediation solicitors in Little London & Woodhouse. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Bevan Brittan LLP 53.796992 -1.5482385 23384

Bevan Brittan LLP



Lewis Silkin Llp 53.798555 -1.5527916 40177

Lewis Silkin Llp



Mills & Reeve LLP

3 reviews

Ranked #33 out of 45 Mediation solicitor firms in Little London & Woodhouse

Mills & Reeve LLP 53.7969438 -1.5473737 21996 Mills & Reeve LLP

Mills & Reeve LLP



Keoghs Llp 53.7988174 -1.5498791 49484

Keoghs Llp



Lcf Law Limited 53.7973592 -1.5511287 14908

Lcf Law Limited



Schofield Sweeney LLP 53.79669639999999 -1.5533123 23912

Schofield Sweeney LLP


Aia Solicitors Limited 53.7914796 -1.5662692 29315

Aia Solicitors Limited



Capsticks Solicitors LLP 53.796992 -1.5482385 20987

Capsticks Solicitors LLP


Dac Beachcroft Llp 53.798555 -1.5527916 31387

Dac Beachcroft Llp


Fidelitas Law Ltd 53.8037563 -1.5448861 16488

Fidelitas Law Ltd


Gowling Wlg (Uk) Llp 53.7974146 -1.5468275 38647

Gowling Wlg (Uk) Llp


Lapis Litigation Limited 53.7973592 -1.5511287 41249

Lapis Litigation Limited


Leonard Curtis Legal Limited 53.7975789 -1.5472467 36222

Leonard Curtis Legal Limited



Pinsent Masons LLP 53.79713049999999 -1.5468403 21664

Pinsent Masons LLP


Square One Law Llp 53.7974146 -1.5468275 31503

Square One Law Llp

