
Top 10 Mediation Solicitors in Holborn and Covent Garden

Here you can see the best Mediation solicitors in Holborn and Covent Garden. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Cornelian Lawyers And Mediators 51.5205911 -0.1221765 2441

Cornelian Lawyers And Mediators


Daysparkes Limited 51.52018349999999 -0.1130164 18867

Daysparkes Limited


Edmans Legal Ltd 51.5185008 -0.1123941 30058

Edmans Legal Ltd


Eldwick Law

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 61 Mediation solicitor firms in Holborn and Covent Garden

Eldwick Law 51.5212826 -0.1080069 28106 Eldwick Law

Eldwick Law


Excello Law Limited 51.51439449999999 -0.1109209 28654

Excello Law Limited



Farrer & Co LLP 51.516459 -0.1190797 22380

Farrer & Co LLP


Fladgate LLP 51.516133 -0.1206209 21157

Fladgate LLP


FWJ Legal Limited

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 61 Mediation solicitor firms in Holborn and Covent Garden

FWJ Legal Limited 51.5238179 -0.1103146 16138 FWJ Legal Limited

FWJ Legal Limited


Glovers Solicitors LLP 51.5157314 -0.1253072 21876

Glovers Solicitors LLP


Greenwood & Co 51.5186316 -0.1076754 26854

Greenwood & Co


Gresham Legal Limited 51.51705159999999 -0.1117478 14472

Gresham Legal Limited


Keystone Law Limited 51.5168812 -0.1123314 23570

Keystone Law Limited


Lipman Karas LLP 51.5179754 -0.1121564 17604

Lipman Karas LLP


Magrath Sheldrick LLP 51.5155059 -0.1112496 21520

Magrath Sheldrick LLP


Marriott Harrison LLP 51.5176506 -0.1109735 17656

Marriott Harrison LLP


Milberg London Llp 51.5179754 -0.1121564 33023

Milberg London Llp


Mishcon De Reya LLP 51.5171033 -0.1194423 14296

Mishcon De Reya LLP


Morgan Rose Solicitors Limited 51.51748449999999 -0.1129406 15804

Morgan Rose Solicitors Limited


Ontier LLP 51.51787239999999 -0.1096012 21786

Ontier LLP


Parker Thomas 51.515541 -0.118469 21246

Parker Thomas


Pcb Litigation LLP 51.5156281 -0.1121381 22419

Pcb Litigation LLP


Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan Uk LLP 51.5183157 -0.1182845 21116

Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan Uk LLP


Richard Slade And Company Limited 51.5199776 -0.1125204 20665

Richard Slade And Company Limited


Ridgemont Legal Services Limited

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 61 Mediation solicitor firms in Holborn and Covent Garden

Ridgemont Legal Services Limited 51.5193918 -0.1063034 14825 Ridgemont Legal Services Limited

Ridgemont Legal Services Limited


Rylatt Chubb LLP 51.5162846 -0.1026704 15593

Rylatt Chubb LLP


Silk Route Legal Limited 51.5196337 -0.1162967 17900

Silk Route Legal Limited


Lexgo Limited 51.5174879 -0.1245289 38833

Lexgo Limited



Summit Law LLP 51.5206388 -0.1257111 21469

Summit Law LLP


The Khan Partnership LLP 51.5206388 -0.1257111 21639

The Khan Partnership LLP


Wilsons Solicitors LLP

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 61 Mediation solicitor firms in Holborn and Covent Garden

Wilsons Solicitors LLP 51.5168528 -0.1184005 21911 Wilsons Solicitors LLP

Wilsons Solicitors LLP

