
Top 10 Crime/ Criminal Defence Solicitors in Holborn and Covent Garden

Here you can see the best Crime/ Criminal Defence solicitors in Holborn and Covent Garden. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Ashcott Solicitors Limited 51.5196337 -0.1162967 37661

Ashcott Solicitors Limited


Bankside Law Limited 51.5158987 -0.1122572 24197

Bankside Law Limited



Bbansal Limited 51.5200691 -0.1182103 13437

Bbansal Limited


Bcl Solicitors LLP 51.5149465 -0.1178449 30703

Bcl Solicitors LLP



Bindmans LLP

1 review

Ranked #42 out of 79 Crime/ Criminal Defence solicitor firms in Holborn and Covent Garden

Bindmans LLP 51.5237285 -0.114816 1206 Bindmans LLP

Bindmans LLP


Boutique Law LLP 51.5170858 -0.1161663 27675

Boutique Law LLP


Brion & Co 51.5176564 -0.1225329 24502

Brion & Co



Bs Solicitors Limited 51.5179754 -0.1121564 29575

Bs Solicitors Limited


Campbell Chambers Solicitors 51.5150356 -0.1138777 15018

Campbell Chambers Solicitors


Candey Limited 51.51722299999999 -0.1134559 15373

Candey Limited


Capital Law Limited 51.525616 -0.08643930000000001 22752

Capital Law Limited


Corker Binning Solicitors 51.5161867 -0.1116613 24277

Corker Binning Solicitors


Daysparkes Limited 51.52018349999999 -0.1130164 18867

Daysparkes Limited


Edmans Legal Ltd 51.5185008 -0.1123941 30058

Edmans Legal Ltd


Eldwick Law

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 79 Crime/ Criminal Defence solicitor firms in Holborn and Covent Garden

Eldwick Law 51.5212826 -0.1080069 28106 Eldwick Law

Eldwick Law


Excello Law Limited 51.51439449999999 -0.1109209 28654

Excello Law Limited



Farrer & Co LLP 51.516459 -0.1190797 22380

Farrer & Co LLP


Fladgate LLP 51.516133 -0.1206209 21157

Fladgate LLP


FWJ Legal Limited

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 79 Crime/ Criminal Defence solicitor firms in Holborn and Covent Garden

FWJ Legal Limited 51.5238179 -0.1103146 16138 FWJ Legal Limited

FWJ Legal Limited


Gerard Maye Legal Limited 51.51439449999999 -0.1109209 22663

Gerard Maye Legal Limited


Gresham Legal Limited 51.51705159999999 -0.1117478 14472

Gresham Legal Limited


Hibernian Private Client Limited 51.5208311 -0.1076836 15737

Hibernian Private Client Limited


Keystone Law Limited 51.5168812 -0.1123314 23570

Keystone Law Limited


Lipman Karas LLP 51.5179754 -0.1121564 17604

Lipman Karas LLP


Mishcon De Reya LLP 51.5171033 -0.1194423 14296

Mishcon De Reya LLP


Morgan Rose Solicitors Limited 51.51748449999999 -0.1129406 15804

Morgan Rose Solicitors Limited


O'keeffe Solicitors 51.5176506 -0.1109735 25056

O'keeffe Solicitors


Ontier LLP 51.51787239999999 -0.1096012 21786

Ontier LLP


Pcb Litigation LLP 51.5156281 -0.1121381 22419

Pcb Litigation LLP


Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan Uk LLP 51.5183157 -0.1182845 21116

Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan Uk LLP

