
Top 10 Consumer Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Consumer solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Mascot Solicitors

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 4564 Consumer solicitor firms in the UK

Mascot Solicitors have 1 Consumer solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Mascot Solicitors 51.6748627 -0.0213876 29791 Mascot Solicitors

Mascot Solicitors


Masefield Solicitors LLP 52.0359827 -2.4198535 21804

Masefield Solicitors LLP


Mason Hayes Limited 53.3269713 -2.2403508 19538

Mason Hayes Limited


Matthew Gold & Company Limited 51.6162839 -0.1771974 17400

Matthew Gold & Company Limited


Matwala Vyas LLP 51.56321459999999 0.09763999999999999 23687

Matwala Vyas LLP



Maxlaw Solicitors Ltd

1 review

Ranked #3648 out of 4564 Consumer solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT


- 27/10/2020

Maxlaw Solicitors Ltd have Consumer solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Maxlaw Solicitors Ltd 51.4724188 -0.3857554 27719 Maxlaw Solicitors Ltd

Maxlaw Solicitors Ltd


Max Partners Law Firm Limited 51.5051437 -0.1463381 31108

Max Partners Law Firm Limited


Maxwell Alves 55.953456 -3.194282 6690

Maxwell Alves


Maxwell Solicitors Limited 51.5590971 0.08424129999999999 13845

Maxwell Solicitors Limited


Mayer Brown International LLP 51.5209053 -0.0793719 23941

Mayer Brown International LLP


Maynards 54.2071626 -1.1525121 24369



Mays Brown Limited 51.51039160000001 -0.07051879999999999 15221

Mays Brown Limited


Maysons Solicitors Ltd 53.7887758 -2.2847869 15744

Maysons Solicitors Ltd


Mbc Law Limited 52.4837914 -1.8959215 18287

Mbc Law Limited



Mbc Solicitors Limited 53.4836215 -2.2588071 17066

Mbc Solicitors Limited


Mb Solicitors

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 4564 Consumer solicitor firms in the UK

Mb Solicitors have 1 Consumer solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Mb Solicitors 51.8863774 -0.4620711 16748 Mb Solicitors

Mb Solicitors


Mb Solicitors Limited 53.7933762 -1.5428125 21339

Mb Solicitors Limited


Mcallister Olivarius 51.5236135 -0.7218878999999999 20965

Mcallister Olivarius


Mccarthy Tetrault 51.5152218 -0.0872303 24537

Mccarthy Tetrault


Mcdermott Will & Emery Uk LLP 51.51628220000001 -0.08096439999999999 23216

Mcdermott Will & Emery Uk LLP


Mcevedys Solicitors & Attorneys Ltd 51.506553 -0.1350793 18126

Mcevedys Solicitors & Attorneys Ltd


Mcfaddens LLP 51.5171678 -0.0911463 22448

Mcfaddens LLP


Mcglennons Solicitors 51.4349578 -0.1985671 20373

Mcglennons Solicitors


Mcguirewoods London LLP 51.5135761 -0.1031145 23563

Mcguirewoods London LLP


Mck Solicitors Limited 51.6253478 -0.1518689 14324

Mck Solicitors Limited


Mcqueens Solicitors LLP 51.4064232 0.0125953 6803

Mcqueens Solicitors LLP


Mcr Law Associates Limited 53.441318 -2.1891132 28514

Mcr Law Associates Limited


Md Law (yorkshire) LLP 53.3733935 -1.4906634 27743

Md Law (yorkshire) LLP


Mdl Solicitors Ltd 51.3763334 -0.0966514 17633

Mdl Solicitors Ltd


Mdmkjb Limited 53.4808503 -2.2473835 15814

Mdmkjb Limited

