
Top 10 Consumer Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Consumer solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Griffiths Robertson 51.4532857 -0.96315 18714

Griffiths Robertson


Grimsby Solicitors Limited 53.56553109999999 -0.0830986 19635

Grimsby Solicitors Limited


G R Miles & Co 51.9114831 -0.2086239 17986

G R Miles & Co


Groom Halliday 51.6108162 -0.1725492 18202

Groom Halliday


Grosvenor Law Limited 51.5117736 -0.1475907 15815

Grosvenor Law Limited


Grove Solicitors 51.5938653 -0.0978222 23942

Grove Solicitors


Grove Tompkins Bosworth 52.4818199 -1.9033032 25657

Grove Tompkins Bosworth


G Singh 51.5157229 -0.2913563 24917

G Singh


G S Solicitors Limited 52.5398851 -1.3731805 19726

G S Solicitors Limited


Guest Walker Limited 53.95947289999999 -1.0799812 14116

Guest Walker Limited


Guildhall Solicitors 52.4189568 -1.4990266 21346

Guildhall Solicitors


Gulay Mehmet 51.51705159999999 -0.1117478 22937

Gulay Mehmet


Gurneys 52.2218993 1.3418182 25470



Gwynne Hughes 52.2416993 -4.2579215 26832

Gwynne Hughes


H2o Law Limited 51.5000994 -0.1018666 17088

H2o Law Limited


Haddleton & Co Ltd 53.9929673 -1.5508376 27944

Haddleton & Co Ltd


Hague & Dixon LLP 53.9568701 -1.0828274 13667

Hague & Dixon LLP


Haider & Hasan Solicitors 51.5578857 0.0716145 13968

Haider & Hasan Solicitors


Halborns Limited 52.9566033 -1.1566887 15995

Halborns Limited


Halebury Ventures Limited 51.5161867 -0.1116613 22845

Halebury Ventures Limited



Hall Brown Ltd 53.4805808 -2.2429217 13965

Hall Brown Ltd


Hall & Co 51.4483688 -0.0732211 21347

Hall & Co


Hallens Solicitors 51.46621529999999 -0.3570995 24673

Hallens Solicitors


Halo Legal Services Limited

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 4562 Consumer solicitor firms in the UK

Halo Legal Services Limited have 1 Consumer solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 1

Halo Legal Services Limited
Halo Legal Services Limited 52.57139919999999 -2.1241771 27511 Halo Legal Services Limited

Halo Legal Services Limited


Hameed & Co 51.5657403 -0.2779681 25206

Hameed & Co


Hamlet Solicitors LLP 51.51673839999999 -0.0676706 16739

Hamlet Solicitors LLP


Hamlins LLP 51.5161149 -0.1426303 22651

Hamlins LLP


Hanah Gold Solicitors Ltd 53.69231139999999 -1.6278802 18420

Hanah Gold Solicitors Ltd


Hannaford Turner LLP 51.5114404 -0.0916249 13431

Hannaford Turner LLP


Hannah Sparrow Solicitors 51.5360268 0.7110305 20169

Hannah Sparrow Solicitors

