
Top 10 Consumer Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Consumer solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Chauncy & Co. Solicitors 51.5104371 -0.0837176 24549

Chauncy & Co. Solicitors



Cheesemans Solicitors

1 review

Ranked #2689 out of 4564 Consumer solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT

Cheesemans Solicitors have 1 Consumer solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Cheesemans Solicitors 51.5170516 -0.1117478 17696 Cheesemans Solicitors

Cheesemans Solicitors


Chelian Law Solicitors

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 4564 Consumer solicitor firms in the UK

Chelian Law Solicitors 51.5936712 -0.3350304 28529 Chelian Law Solicitors

Chelian Law Solicitors


Chennells 51.5454805 0.6867399 26947




Chesworths Legal Limited 52.9832845 -2.1340849 14622

Chesworths Legal Limited


Chetty & Patel 52.6262298 -1.1123044 25732

Chetty & Patel


Ch. Hausmann & Co 51.5201724 -0.1433156 24358

Ch. Hausmann & Co


Chilcotts Law Ltd 50.5487812 -4.1466471 19883

Chilcotts Law Ltd



Child Law Partnership Limited 51.26902820000001 -1.0784379 23209

Child Law Partnership Limited


Chiltern Solicitors (luton) Ltd 51.9117753 -0.3880388 20067

Chiltern Solicitors (luton) Ltd


Chiomenti LLP 51.51469549999999 -0.0862197 18052

Chiomenti LLP


Chisholms 50.516448 -4.8388745 25780



Chivers Solicitors 53.8483078 -1.8379618 16582

Chivers Solicitors


Chris Bennett & Co LLP 51.6589448 -0.3974161 16395

Chris Bennett & Co LLP


Chris Kallis Solicitors Limited

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 4564 Consumer solicitor firms in the UK

Chris Kallis Solicitors Limited 50.3779189 -4.137768700000001 17192 Chris Kallis Solicitors Limited

Chris Kallis Solicitors Limited


Chris Solicitors 51.5589812 -0.0739739 19231

Chris Solicitors


Christian. The Law Firm. Limited 51.5025516 -0.0193672 18015

Christian. The Law Firm. Limited



Christine Lee And Co (solicitors) Limited 52.47346839999999 -1.903557 24040

Christine Lee And Co (solicitors) Limited


Christopher Burgon Limited 51.5162846 -0.1026704 27838

Christopher Burgon Limited


Christopher Key Solicitors Limited 50.6851302 -4.659822699999999 14770

Christopher Key Solicitors Limited


Chubb Bulleid Limited 51.20952390000001 -2.6455318 23163

Chubb Bulleid Limited


Churchills Solicitors Limited 51.5886236 -0.2217565 14996

Churchills Solicitors Limited


Circle Law LLP 51.596747 -0.5458852 28774

Circle Law LLP


Citygate Solicitors 51.5225591 -0.0348456 24693

Citygate Solicitors



City Heights Legal Solutions Limited 51.541641 0.0019137 27772

City Heights Legal Solutions Limited



City Law Chambers Ltd 51.8814386 -0.4130842 14196

City Law Chambers Ltd



City Law Firm Limited 51.5205125 -0.1161452 19536

City Law Firm Limited


City Lawyers (personal Injury) Limited 51.7494377 -0.3174791 20175

City Lawyers (personal Injury) Limited



Citywide Solicitors Limited 51.4234289 -0.1637661 14714

Citywide Solicitors Limited


Cjh Solicitors 52.9283227 -1.4714503 24171

Cjh Solicitors

