
Top 10 Consumer Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Consumer solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Bates & Mountain 53.5608487 -0.09048250000000001 27096

Bates & Mountain


Bay Advocates Limited 50.4698189 -3.5358921 22445

Bay Advocates Limited


Bayer Solicitors 51.5228136 -0.7178022 19120

Bayer Solicitors


Bazeley Barnes & Bazeley 51.0196384 -4.2058441 14098

Bazeley Barnes & Bazeley


Bba Fjeldco Limited 51.5098781 -0.1445844 29952

Bba Fjeldco Limited


Bb Law Ltd 53.1735122 -2.254392 989

Bb Law Ltd


Bc Legal Ltd 51.5364373 0.7103915 15136

Bc Legal Ltd


Bcl Solicitors LLP 51.5149465 -0.1178449 30703

Bcl Solicitors LLP


Bdm Law LLP 51.5137264 -0.0830463 14600

Bdm Law LLP


B D Solicitors Limited 52.57305 -0.2419742 19249

B D Solicitors Limited


Beale & Company Solicitors LLP 51.5122836 -0.08776189999999999 23326

Beale & Company Solicitors LLP


Beam Law Limited 51.1271981 0.2600286 17849

Beam Law Limited



Beckett & Co 53.6544082 -2.6345849 24176

Beckett & Co


Beemans Solicitors 51.5798736 -0.337027 22561

Beemans Solicitors


Be Equal Limited 51.5179957 -0.1484056 13664

Be Equal Limited


Begum & Co 51.5141707 -0.1233103 19869

Begum & Co


Bellevue Law Limited 51.4598026 -0.1662874 13731

Bellevue Law Limited



Ben Darlington Solicitors Limited 51.5279778 -0.1269091 29795

Ben Darlington Solicitors Limited



Bendles LLP 54.930881 -2.9566582 14188

Bendles LLP


Bennett's Legal Limited 52.7081194 -2.7595623 19308

Bennett's Legal Limited


Bennetts Solicitors Ltd 51.3627391 -2.7479975 18502

Bennetts Solicitors Ltd


Bennett Williams Solicitors 53.3980308 -3.020602 17517

Bennett Williams Solicitors


Bentley Agency Law Limited 53.79100039999999 -1.6611462 18962

Bentley Agency Law Limited


Bentleys Solicitors 53.8098407 -1.5843803 22283

Bentleys Solicitors



Beps (deptford) Limited 51.48074949999999 -0.0266057 15066

Beps (deptford) Limited


Berkson Family Law Solicitors Ltd 53.4075206 -2.9877796 13494

Berkson Family Law Solicitors Ltd


Berlad Graham LLP 51.5440165 -0.4777597 18230

Berlad Graham LLP


Bermans (2012) Limited 53.4095264 -2.99088 15811

Bermans (2012) Limited


Bernard Solicitors 53.8007502 -1.5509463 19299

Bernard Solicitors


Berwick Law Limited 52.421841 -1.9706017 31566

Berwick Law Limited

