
Top 10 Consumer Solicitors in City of London

Here you can see the best Consumer solicitors in City of London. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Rosling King LLP 51.5147455 -0.1020282 21355

Rosling King LLP


Rowel Genn Limited 51.515667 -0.1438736 19921

Rowel Genn Limited


Rsw Law Ltd 51.5196337 -0.1162967 30433

Rsw Law Ltd


Rylatt Chubb LLP 51.5162846 -0.1026704 15593

Rylatt Chubb LLP


Sacker & Partners LLP 51.5150662 -0.0940735 23332

Sacker & Partners LLP


Scarmans Limited 51.509046 -0.0849865 14325

Scarmans Limited


Schillings International LLP 51.5102583 -0.0881926 14679

Schillings International LLP


Scott+scott Uk LLP 51.5141801 -0.1055456 14068

Scott+scott Uk LLP


Sebastians 51.514 -0.1054172 27196



Shahriar Solicitors Limited

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 523 Consumer solicitor firms in City of London

Shahriar Solicitors Limited have 1 Consumer solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Shahriar Solicitors Limited 51.5375351 0.7150284 15320 Shahriar Solicitors Limited

Shahriar Solicitors Limited


Shook Hardy & Bacon International LLP 51.5152902 -0.0840905 23911

Shook Hardy & Bacon International LLP


Sidley Austin LLP 51.5155182 -0.0793391 25190

Sidley Austin LLP


Signature Litigation LLP 51.5145114 -0.1098063 17647

Signature Litigation LLP


Silk Route Legal Limited 51.5196337 -0.1162967 17900

Silk Route Legal Limited


Simmons & Simmons LLP 51.5194692 -0.08999780000000002 19798

Simmons & Simmons LLP


Simmons Stein & Co 51.6010581 -0.1953657 25683

Simmons Stein & Co


Simmons Wavelength Limited 51.5194692 -0.0899978 30315

Simmons Wavelength Limited


Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP 51.5194266 -0.089596 23866

Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP


Slaughter And May 51.5211576 -0.09041729999999999 26420

Slaughter And May


Slig Law LLP 51.5113936 -0.1082924 16388

Slig Law LLP


Sonn Macmillan Walker Limited 51.5140888 -0.07442689999999999 17886

Sonn Macmillan Walker Limited


Spring Law Limited 51.5101793 -0.125074 23022

Spring Law Limited


Steptoe & Johnson Uk LLP 51.5172216 -0.0933493 27534

Steptoe & Johnson Uk LLP


Stone White Solicitors Limited 51.5158987 -0.1122572 28564

Stone White Solicitors Limited



Stradbrooks Global Limited 51.5508166 0.0253087 16400

Stradbrooks Global Limited


Strata Solicitors Limited 51.5152902 -0.0840905 54601

Strata Solicitors Limited


Sullivan & Cromwell Mnp LLP 51.5167723 -0.1078101 24449

Sullivan & Cromwell Mnp LLP


Sullivan & Worcester Uk LLP 51.5152902 -0.0840905 16668

Sullivan & Worcester Uk LLP


Swan Turton LLP 51.5147537 -0.1260248 20240

Swan Turton LLP


Syed Shaheen & Partners Solicitors Ltd 51.5159844 -0.0704843 13757

Syed Shaheen & Partners Solicitors Ltd

