
Top 10 Consumer Solicitors in City of London

Here you can see the best Consumer solicitors in City of London. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Malcomson Law Uk Limited 51.51351709999999 -0.1119721 28600

Malcomson Law Uk Limited


Manor Law Ltd 51.5155138 -0.0967212 17579

Manor Law Ltd


Maples Teesdale LLP

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 523 Consumer solicitor firms in City of London

Maples Teesdale LLP 51.5147337 -0.0924299 20006 Maples Teesdale LLP

Maples Teesdale LLP


Marriott Davies Yapp LLP 51.5119519 -0.1083413 17708

Marriott Davies Yapp LLP


Mayer Brown International LLP 51.5209053 -0.0793719 23941

Mayer Brown International LLP


Mays Brown Limited 51.51039160000001 -0.07051879999999999 15221

Mays Brown Limited


Mccarthy Tetrault 51.5152218 -0.0872303 24537

Mccarthy Tetrault


Mcdermott Will & Emery Uk LLP 51.51628220000001 -0.08096439999999999 23216

Mcdermott Will & Emery Uk LLP


Mcfaddens LLP 51.5171678 -0.0911463 22448

Mcfaddens LLP


Mcguirewoods London LLP 51.5135761 -0.1031145 23563

Mcguirewoods London LLP


Milbank LLP 51.5156643 -0.09491329999999999 25217

Milbank LLP


Miles Fanning Legal Services Limited 51.5120663 -0.0778121 13536

Miles Fanning Legal Services Limited


Mishcon De Reya Llp 51.5152902 -0.0840905 38923

Mishcon De Reya Llp


Mitchell Simmonds Solicitors Limited 51.50165519999999 -0.020602 21585

Mitchell Simmonds Solicitors Limited


Morgan Lewis & Bockius Uk LLP 51.5133899 -0.0998573 15236

Morgan Lewis & Bockius Uk LLP


Morgan Rose Solicitors Limited 51.51748449999999 -0.1129406 15804

Morgan Rose Solicitors Limited


Morgan Sports Law Limited 51.5041762 -0.079744 13364

Morgan Sports Law Limited


Morrison & Foerster (uk) LLP 51.5133777 -0.0817627 24564

Morrison & Foerster (uk) LLP


Mountain Partnership Solicitors LLP 51.4760267 -0.0474598 24257

Mountain Partnership Solicitors LLP


Mrh Solicitors Limited 51.5268887 -0.1307885 37653

Mrh Solicitors Limited


M Taher & Co Ltd 51.5131437 -0.08260959999999999 14922

M Taher & Co Ltd


Northridge Law LLP 51.5179784 -0.0989633 27940

Northridge Law LLP


Norton Rose Fulbright LLP 51.5041762 -0.079744 21918

Norton Rose Fulbright LLP


Oakstead Law Limited 51.5113936 -0.1082924 14053

Oakstead Law Limited


Ogletree Deakins International LLP 51.5150465 -0.1010029 17030

Ogletree Deakins International LLP


Olephant Limited 51.516996 -0.1027274 22924

Olephant Limited


O'melveny & Myers LLP 51.51450149999999 -0.09862259999999999 23367

O'melveny & Myers LLP


Onelaw Limited 51.514279 -0.11045 28644

Onelaw Limited


Ontier LLP 51.51787239999999 -0.1096012 21786

Ontier LLP


Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe (europe) LLP 51.5142849 -0.09358720000000001 20414

Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe (europe) LLP

