
Top 10 Consumer Solicitors in City of London

Here you can see the best Consumer solicitors in City of London. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Ferns 51.46317819999999 -0.134847 25176




Fieldfisher LLP 51.5094067 -0.0889056 22620

Fieldfisher LLP


Fisher Scoggins Waters LLP 51.5113936 -0.1082924 24016

Fisher Scoggins Waters LLP


Foot Anstey LLP 51.51321859999999 -0.0860942 18688

Foot Anstey LLP


Fox & Partners Solicitors LLP 51.5162475 -0.0865438 27783

Fox & Partners Solicitors LLP


Fragomen (gb) Limited 51.5154358 -0.0908151 22244

Fragomen (gb) Limited


Freeman Brown Solicitors Limited 51.5181871 -0.0749376 29448

Freeman Brown Solicitors Limited


Fried Frank Harris Shriver & Jacobson (london) LLP 51.5150448 -0.08779039999999999 23514

Fried Frank Harris Shriver & Jacobson (london) LLP


Gablou Holdings Limited 51.516996 -0.1027274 27992

Gablou Holdings Limited


Gedye & Sons (solicitors) Limited 51.5162846 -0.1026704 23335

Gedye & Sons (solicitors) Limited


Geoffrey Grace Solicitors 51.5377806 -0.1405371 42758

Geoffrey Grace Solicitors


Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher Uk LLP 51.5115382 -0.107782 24329

Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher Uk LLP


Gide Loyrette Nouel LLP 51.51469549999999 -0.0862197 21368

Gide Loyrette Nouel LLP


Goldfield Solicitors Llp

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 523 Consumer solicitor firms in City of London

Goldfield Solicitors Llp have Consumer solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Goldfield Solicitors Llp 51.4896105 -0.1226481 41213 Goldfield Solicitors Llp

Goldfield Solicitors Llp



Goldkorns Solicitors 51.51705159999999 -0.1117478 19346

Goldkorns Solicitors


Goodwin Procter (uk) LLP 51.5140448 -0.092646 18059

Goodwin Procter (uk) LLP


Gowling Wlg (uk) LLP 51.5044117 -0.0803969 23831

Gowling Wlg (uk) LLP


Gq Employment Law LLP 51.5146208 -0.0915699 17808

Gq Employment Law LLP


Gregory Abrams Davidson Solicitors 51.5812177 -0.1984181 30678

Gregory Abrams Davidson Solicitors


Gresham Legal Limited 51.51705159999999 -0.1117478 14472

Gresham Legal Limited


Gulay Mehmet 51.51705159999999 -0.1117478 22937

Gulay Mehmet


Halebury Ventures Limited 51.5161867 -0.1116613 22845

Halebury Ventures Limited


Hannaford Turner LLP 51.5114404 -0.0916249 13431

Hannaford Turner LLP


Hanover Bond Law Limited 51.5140617 -0.100081 13682

Hanover Bond Law Limited


Harpers 51.5227888 -0.1145376 25148



Harrisons 51.5162846 -0.1026704 18900



Hausfeld & Co LLP 51.5148566 -0.1077886 20480

Hausfeld & Co LLP


Haynes And Boone Cdg LLP 51.5167723 -0.1078101 22767

Haynes And Boone Cdg LLP


Hco Legal 51.5118034 -0.0781839 20701

Hco Legal


Herbert Smith Freehills Global LLP 51.5203247 -0.080708 17235

Herbert Smith Freehills Global LLP

