
Top 10 Construction Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Construction solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Pinsent Masons LLP 51.5207507 -0.0831117 21666

Pinsent Masons LLP


Plainlaw LLP 51.658108 -0.5715849 17417

Plainlaw LLP


Prospect Law Ltd 52.8261518 -1.3107744 20154

Prospect Law Ltd


Prydis Legal Limited 50.7218369 -3.5254319 19169

Prydis Legal Limited


Pure Business Law Limited 52.1373277 -0.4646538999999999 27524

Pure Business Law Limited


Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan Uk LLP 51.5183157 -0.1182845 21116

Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan Uk LLP


RBG Legal Services Limited 51.516915 -0.1066223 29785

RBG Legal Services Limited


Reed Smith LLP 51.5211664 -0.0799375 23632

Reed Smith LLP


Renew Legal Limited 51.3804732 -2.3580718 16720

Renew Legal Limited


Reynolds Colman Bradley LLP 51.514087 -0.0798028 23691

Reynolds Colman Bradley LLP


Reynolds Porter Chamberlain LLP 51.5086435 -0.07359009999999999 22666

Reynolds Porter Chamberlain LLP


Richard Slade And Company Limited 51.5199776 -0.1125204 20665

Richard Slade And Company Limited


Ridgemont Legal Services Limited

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 582 Construction solicitor firms in the UK

Ridgemont Legal Services Limited 51.5193918 -0.1063034 14825 Ridgemont Legal Services Limited

Ridgemont Legal Services Limited


Rosling King LLP 51.5147455 -0.1020282 21355

Rosling King LLP


Rradar Limited 53.7288818 -0.3722545 15803

Rradar Limited


Sa Law LLP 51.7532467 -0.3336366 23100

Sa Law LLP



Sanders Solicitors

2 reviews

Ranked #535 out of 582 Construction solicitor firms in the UK

Sanders Solicitors 51.51855279999999 0.1898421 26455 Sanders Solicitors

Sanders Solicitors


Sharpe Pritchard LLP 51.5232489 -0.1133435 16627

Sharpe Pritchard LLP


Shergill & Co 51.468169 -0.3675683 9052

Shergill & Co


Sheridan Gold LLP 51.2351504 -0.2039039 20016

Sheridan Gold LLP


Sidley Austin LLP 51.5155182 -0.0793391 25190

Sidley Austin LLP


Silverback Commercial Law Services Limited 52.3106581 -1.8838593 14799

Silverback Commercial Law Services Limited


Simmons & Simmons LLP 51.5194692 -0.08999780000000002 19798

Simmons & Simmons LLP


Simon Bethel Solicitors Limited 51.4629462 -0.0107748 14393

Simon Bethel Solicitors Limited


Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom (uk) LLP 51.5025516 -0.0193672 25105

Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom (uk) LLP


Slaughter And May 51.5211576 -0.09041729999999999 26420

Slaughter And May


Sloan Plumb Wood LLP 52.5513385 -0.3264433 21781

Sloan Plumb Wood LLP



Spector Constant & Williams Limited 51.5165922 -0.1375663 13312

Spector Constant & Williams Limited


Square One Law LLP 54.98623 -1.6091093 18617

Square One Law LLP


Squire Patton Boggs (Uk) Llp 51.516607 -0.0799274 35569

Squire Patton Boggs (Uk) Llp

