
Top 10 Company & Commercial Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Company & Commercial solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Cohen & Gresser (uk) LLP 51.5067714 -0.1369436 28378

Cohen & Gresser (uk) LLP


Cole Francis Limited 51.0034199 -0.1065667 16106

Cole Francis Limited


Coleman & Betts 51.2959662 -0.3307533 27195

Coleman & Betts


Coleridge Law Ltd 52.4832133 -1.89286 15316

Coleridge Law Ltd


Colin Brown & Kidson 54.4852538 -0.6152576 27288

Colin Brown & Kidson



Collier Littler LLP 53.3985974 -2.315515 2363

Collier Littler LLP


Collingwood Legal Ltd 54.96122219999999 -1.6446001 16885

Collingwood Legal Ltd


Colman Coyle Limited 51.5365078 -0.1037185 16499

Colman Coyle Limited


Coltman Warner Cranston LLP 52.4012858 -1.5041505 22864

Coltman Warner Cranston LLP


Colvin & Partners 51.6643846 -0.4012371 2373

Colvin & Partners


Commercial And Business Lawyers Ltd 53.3787165 -2.1327858 15917

Commercial And Business Lawyers Ltd


Commonwealth Chambers Ltd 51.5178554 -0.0628813 13406

Commonwealth Chambers Ltd


Completelegal Solicitors Limited 51.4649673 -0.9704287 16651

Completelegal Solicitors Limited


Concise-Legal LTD 51.5686996 0.1020254 29869

Concise-Legal LTD


Coninghams 51.492642 -0.1407754 24666



Connell Associates LLP 53.40758959999999 -2.9902934 25709

Connell Associates LLP



Conroys Solicitors LLP 50.2643736 -5.0499848 13923

Conroys Solicitors LLP


Converse Law Limited 51.9004294 -2.0831743 14698

Converse Law Limited


Conway & Co 51.5291364 -0.9729032999999998 25711

Conway & Co


Conway & Company Solicitors Limited 51.6583236 -0.2617856 37917

Conway & Company Solicitors Limited


Conwaymccoll Solicitors Ltd 53.358452 -2.1648764 14362

Conwaymccoll Solicitors Ltd


Cooke, Young & Keidan LLP 51.5124293 -0.0872216 20936

Cooke, Young & Keidan LLP


Cook Lawyers Ltd 53.3674216 -2.26518 13648

Cook Lawyers Ltd


Coole Bevis LLP 50.82168859999999 -0.1411023 21087

Coole Bevis LLP


Cooley (uk) LLP 51.5168684 -0.0827126 15116

Cooley (uk) LLP



Cooperburnett LLP 51.1349454 0.2627835 15694

Cooperburnett LLP


Cooper Cavendish LLP 51.3849034 -2.357491 13805

Cooper Cavendish LLP


Cooper & Co 51.1504765 1.2889387 24788

Cooper & Co


Cooper Stott Solicitors Ltd 54.7906509 -1.5902513 15220

Cooper Stott Solicitors Ltd


Corker Binning Solicitors 51.5161867 -0.1116613 24277

Corker Binning Solicitors

