
Top 10 Company & Commercial Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Company & Commercial solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Bart-williams & Co 51.59053780000001 0.0614203 24553

Bart-williams & Co


Bates & Mountain 53.5608487 -0.09048250000000001 27096

Bates & Mountain


Bayer Solicitors 51.5228136 -0.7178022 19120

Bayer Solicitors


Baynards 51.458512 0.1324947 25854



Bazeley Barnes & Bazeley 51.0196384 -4.2058441 14098

Bazeley Barnes & Bazeley


Bba Fjeldco Limited 51.5098781 -0.1445844 29952

Bba Fjeldco Limited


Bc Legal Ltd 51.5364373 0.7103915 15136

Bc Legal Ltd


Bcl Solicitors LLP 51.5149465 -0.1178449 30703

Bcl Solicitors LLP


Bdm Law LLP 51.5137264 -0.0830463 14600

Bdm Law LLP


Beacon Legal Ltd 50.09875419999999 -5.2796882 18288

Beacon Legal Ltd


Beale & Company Solicitors LLP 51.5122836 -0.08776189999999999 23326

Beale & Company Solicitors LLP


Beam Law Limited 51.1271981 0.2600286 17849

Beam Law Limited


Beecham Fisher Ridley 51.5367592 0.7112471 27089

Beecham Fisher Ridley


Beechwood Solicitors Limited 51.82370479999999 -1.2919446 20897

Beechwood Solicitors Limited


Be Equal Limited 51.5179957 -0.1484056 13664

Be Equal Limited


Begum & Co 51.5141707 -0.1233103 19869

Begum & Co


Behbahani & Co Solicitors 51.5293843 -0.1954168 14848

Behbahani & Co Solicitors



Beighton Singh Limited

2 reviews

Ranked #2263 out of 4349 Company & Commercial solicitor firms in the UK

Beighton Singh Limited 52.9214563 -1.4774689 13585 Beighton Singh Limited

Beighton Singh Limited


Be Legal Limited 50.86436399999999 -0.0828317 18128

Be Legal Limited


Bellevue Law Limited 51.4598026 -0.1662874 13731

Bellevue Law Limited



Belmont & Lowe 51.5249 -0.1045296 25707

Belmont & Lowe



Bendles LLP 54.930881 -2.9566582 14188

Bendles LLP


Benjamin H Dorman 51.3905975 -0.6453118000000001 24971

Benjamin H Dorman


Bennett Briegal LLP 52.7081194 -2.7595623 28792

Bennett Briegal LLP


Bennett's Legal Limited 52.7081194 -2.7595623 19308

Bennett's Legal Limited


Bennetts Solicitors Ltd 51.3627391 -2.7479975 18502

Bennetts Solicitors Ltd


Bennett Williams Solicitors 53.3980308 -3.020602 17517

Bennett Williams Solicitors


Bentleys Solicitors 53.8098407 -1.5843803 22283

Bentleys Solicitors


Berlad Graham LLP 51.5440165 -0.4777597 18230

Berlad Graham LLP


Bermans (2012) Limited 53.4095264 -2.99088 15811

Bermans (2012) Limited

