
Top 10 Company & Commercial Solicitors in West Yorkshire

Here you can see the best Company & Commercial solicitors in West Yorkshire. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Helen Davies Solicitor 53.7149398 -1.638393 23608

Helen Davies Solicitor


Hgf Law LLP 53.7891117 -1.546441 16686

Hgf Law LLP



Horrocks & Co 53.8225948 -1.5792564 25868

Horrocks & Co


Horsforth Law Practice 53.8465065 -1.6324124 23662

Horsforth Law Practice


Jlh Legal Limited 53.8035443 -1.5451248 30741

Jlh Legal Limited



J & N Legal Services Limited 53.8059831 -1.7712818 14353

J & N Legal Services Limited


Just Houses Limited 53.7966468 -1.6618295 17256

Just Houses Limited



Kaiser Solicitors Limited 53.8170048 -1.5173269 14025

Kaiser Solicitors Limited



Khan Mather Ltd 53.6566565 -1.7816225 33797

Khan Mather Ltd


Kpmg LLP 53.7937759 -1.5462996 15203

Kpmg LLP


Lapis Litigation Limited 53.7973592 -1.5511287 41249

Lapis Litigation Limited


Lawsons Solicitors 53.6831749 -1.4984027 22440

Lawsons Solicitors


Leonard Curtis Legal Limited 53.7975789 -1.5472467 36222

Leonard Curtis Legal Limited


L R Solicitors 53.6879918 -1.5068706 21931

L R Solicitors


Mb Solicitors Limited 53.7933762 -1.5428125 21339

Mb Solicitors Limited


Middleton Law Ltd 53.8329233 -1.4829713 43183

Middleton Law Ltd


Mjl Law Limited 53.6661942 -1.5405117 13928

Mjl Law Limited



Mrc Legal Ltd 53.7970761 -1.5563142 14710

Mrc Legal Ltd


Neil Coombes Solicitor Limited 53.63426459999999 -1.7238926 20603

Neil Coombes Solicitor Limited


Oaks Solicitors 53.661722 -1.7795685 21310

Oaks Solicitors


Oates Hanson 53.6466366 -1.7827028 27303

Oates Hanson


Pemberton Reid 53.8084503 -1.5360731 23424

Pemberton Reid


Peter Brearley Ltd 53.8465065 -1.6324124 17901

Peter Brearley Ltd



Pinsent Masons LLP 53.79713049999999 -1.5468403 21664

Pinsent Masons LLP


Postlethwaite Solicitors Ltd 53.79853689999999 -1.5485301 38997

Postlethwaite Solicitors Ltd


Pricewaterhousecoopers LLP 53.7965636 -1.5562741 13520

Pricewaterhousecoopers LLP


Progeny Law And Tax Limited 53.79736279999999 -1.5512557 14523

Progeny Law And Tax Limited


Prolegis Limited 53.8058206 -1.7855107 15001

Prolegis Limited



Pudsey Legal Services Ltd 53.80436359999999 -1.6903896 8148

Pudsey Legal Services Ltd


Read Dunn Connell Limited 53.8494298 -1.8368175 14438

Read Dunn Connell Limited

