
Top 10 Company & Commercial Solicitors in Nottingham

Here you can see the best Company & Commercial solicitors in Nottingham. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Kpmg LLP 52.9532305 -1.1551765 15196

Kpmg LLP


Larkman Lodh Solicitors 52.9290961 -1.1039505 20657

Larkman Lodh Solicitors


Legal Recoveries & Collections Limited 52.95451380000001 -1.1435559 15274

Legal Recoveries & Collections Limited


Lmp Law Limited 52.9551391 -1.16196 14743

Lmp Law Limited


Nottingham Law School Legal Advice Centre Limited 52.9577567 -1.1507564 14718

Nottingham Law School Legal Advice Centre Limited


Otium Legal Limited 51.5194191 -0.1085508 14430

Otium Legal Limited


Phillips 52.9682712 -1.1604373 25920



Poppleston Allen 52.95224049999999 -1.1424547 25235

Poppleston Allen


Premier Legal LLP 52.953096 -1.156444 20047

Premier Legal LLP


R B Hammond Limited 52.95159959999999 -1.1433456 20985

R B Hammond Limited


Roythornes Limited 52.9519803 -1.1563469 19402

Roythornes Limited


S Fennemore Limited 52.8996815 -1.2722795 14328

S Fennemore Limited


Smalleys Solicitors Ltd 53.0070378 -1.1297299 27836

Smalleys Solicitors Ltd


Stephen Burdon Solicitors 52.9512765 -1.1496777 24572

Stephen Burdon Solicitors

