
Top 10 Commercial Property Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Commercial Property solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Thos R Jones & Son 53.4704781 -3.0008114 25996

Thos R Jones & Son


Thrings Company Secretarial Services Limited 51.5080308 -0.1307534 23088

Thrings Company Secretarial Services Limited


Timms 52.9258082 -1.4781301 26348



Timothy J R Kirkhope 51.2413298 -0.3246659 24717

Timothy J R Kirkhope


Tkd Solicitors 51.519389 -0.1609469 24169

Tkd Solicitors


T.l.j. Law Limited 51.6643548 -3.8043485 19563

T.l.j. Law Limited


Tlsk Solicitors Limited 51.3328123 -0.7639327 14478

Tlsk Solicitors Limited


Tlt LLP 51.452873 -2.590458 23392



Tonner Johns Ratti Limited 51.6189203 -3.9578494 13017

Tonner Johns Ratti Limited


Towis Solicitors 51.5422709 0.1474531 14179

Towis Solicitors


Towler Brown 51.2319526 -2.3203833 25082

Towler Brown


Town & Country Property Lawyers 51.8976285 -2.076949 10209

Town & Country Property Lawyers


Town Legal LLP 51.5162475 -0.0865438 27424

Town Legal LLP


Trainer Shepherd Phillips Melin Haynes LLP 51.5145992 -0.1372152 16597

Trainer Shepherd Phillips Melin Haynes LLP


Tranter Mills Solicitors Limited 52.4820801 -1.9027578 20403

Tranter Mills Solicitors Limited


Travers Smith LLP 51.51747330000001 -0.1033273 21109

Travers Smith LLP



Traymans LLP 51.5625842 -0.07379279999999999 20832

Traymans LLP


Trillium Legal LLP 51.4383329 0.0437042 29917

Trillium Legal LLP


Trinity Lawyers 52.4832118 -1.9014742 16220

Trinity Lawyers


Trousset Fawcett Ltd 51.509266 -0.1371733 18261

Trousset Fawcett Ltd


True Solicitors LLP 54.9747627 -1.6173131 16411

True Solicitors LLP


T S Edwards & Son 51.64094830000001 -3.2364111 18497

T S Edwards & Son


Tt Law Limited 55.0204612 -1.5081778 16696

Tt Law Limited



Tubbs & Co 54.2804064 -0.4074303 15398

Tubbs & Co


Ultimate Law Limited 53.383353 -2.3538741 21177

Ultimate Law Limited


Underwood Solicitors LLP 51.51848 -0.1500292 23547

Underwood Solicitors LLP


Vaughan & Davies 52.204538 -3.0268456 26338

Vaughan & Davies


Ved & Co 51.547172 -0.2279018 26334

Ved & Co


Venator Legal Services Limited 52.9290078 1.1508389 17565

Venator Legal Services Limited


Veritas Law Limited 53.7562045 -2.4878319 17195

Veritas Law Limited

