
Top 10 Commercial Property Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Commercial Property solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Squire Patton Boggs (Uk) Llp 51.516607 -0.0799274 35569

Squire Patton Boggs (Uk) Llp


Sri Kanth & Co Solicitors 51.55202440000001 -0.3012328 18119

Sri Kanth & Co Solicitors


S Satha & Co Limited 51.5440487 0.0499584 23751

S Satha & Co Limited


Ss Basi & Co LLP 51.5624532 0.0675803 17525

Ss Basi & Co LLP


Ssp Solicitors 51.4991429 -0.3821657 14278

Ssp Solicitors



Stanley House Solicitors Ltd 53.7536674 -2.3617889 15285

Stanley House Solicitors Ltd


Stanmore Law Practice Limited 51.6176019 -0.3091278 13198

Stanmore Law Practice Limited


Stapley & Co 51.6436937 0.0516316 14814

Stapley & Co


Starck Uberoi Solicitors Limited 51.5054651 -0.3045354 15709

Starck Uberoi Solicitors Limited


Steele Smith LLP 53.8563626 -2.1732308 18102

Steele Smith LLP


Steels Solicitors Limited 53.3715161 -2.5789082 15464

Steels Solicitors Limited


Stefanie O'bryen 51.64551789999999 -1.0034597 23400

Stefanie O'bryen


Steinbergs 53.4397877 -2.9706133 25172



Steinfeld Law LLP 51.51722729999999 -0.152141 20800

Steinfeld Law LLP



Stenfield Limited 51.5717341 -0.3388248 13251

Stenfield Limited


Stennett And Stennett Ltd 51.6330105 -0.1252874 18037

Stennett And Stennett Ltd


Stephen Dewar Limited 51.1235669 0.2721454 15585

Stephen Dewar Limited


Stephen Murray & Co Incorporating Penzer & Co 51.5344749 -0.3334481 25277

Stephen Murray & Co Incorporating Penzer & Co



Stephen Richard Peter LLP 52.4785688 -1.9003594 18121

Stephen Richard Peter LLP


Stephenson Law Limited 51.4570503 -2.596714 27795

Stephenson Law Limited


Stepien Lake LLP 51.5182733 -0.1500375 19876

Stepien Lake LLP


Steptoe & Johnson Uk LLP 51.5172216 -0.0933493 27534

Steptoe & Johnson Uk LLP


Sterling Stamp Law Limited 51.4878357 -0.1916331 31182

Sterling Stamp Law Limited



Stevens & Bolton 51.23712889999999 -0.5795606 23545

Stevens & Bolton


Stevensdrake Limited 51.1176193 -0.1891474 19890

Stevensdrake Limited



Stevensons 52.7107275 0.9275103 25471




Stonewood Lawyers Ltd 51.5088869 -0.4241722 13931

Stonewood Lawyers Ltd


Storrar Cowdry & Co Limited 53.188427 -2.8924148 15545

Storrar Cowdry & Co Limited



Stradbrooks Global Limited 51.5508166 0.0253087 16400

Stradbrooks Global Limited


Strasons 51.4199441 -0.1469055 25581


