
Top 10 Commercial Property Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Commercial Property solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Ricardina Bridges Ltd 51.4823032 -0.1239996 18498

Ricardina Bridges Ltd


Rice-jones & Smiths 51.5183465 -0.1072836 8449

Rice-jones & Smiths


Richard Bray & Co 51.2823771 -0.4253917 25874

Richard Bray & Co



Richard Kanani & Co Ltd 51.4298031 -0.3640162 15327

Richard Kanani & Co Ltd


Richard Max & Co LLP 51.5157002 -0.1121496 20780

Richard Max & Co LLP


Richard Pearlman LLP 51.59505009999999 0.0240849 21823

Richard Pearlman LLP


Richard Slade And Company Limited 51.5199776 -0.1125204 20665

Richard Slade And Company Limited


Richards & Lewis Ltd 51.7797765 -3.2072397 22510

Richards & Lewis Ltd


Richardsons Solicitors 51.75343609999999 -0.4719751 20840

Richardsons Solicitors


Richard T Bate & Co 51.6368518 -2.1578559 25923

Richard T Bate & Co


Ridgemont Legal Services Limited

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 3302 Commercial Property solicitor firms in the UK

Ridgemont Legal Services Limited 51.5193918 -0.1063034 14825 Ridgemont Legal Services Limited

Ridgemont Legal Services Limited


Riley Langdon Solicitors 54.7487515 -1.6136976 25751

Riley Langdon Solicitors


Riverbrooke Solicitors Ltd 51.515667 -0.1438736 18280

Riverbrooke Solicitors Ltd


Rls Solicitors Limited 51.5048912 -0.09103979999999999 22146

Rls Solicitors Limited


Rmpi LLP 51.51232719999999 -0.1464881 23410

Rmpi LLP


R N Williams & Co Limited 52.5881881 -2.133213 8240

R N Williams & Co Limited


Roach Pittis Solicitors Limited 50.7001473 -1.2977931 26505

Roach Pittis Solicitors Limited


Robert Lunn & Lowth LLP 52.191436 -1.7066221 13413

Robert Lunn & Lowth LLP


Robert Mclaren 50.9796163 -0.5855659 25005

Robert Mclaren


Roberts Buckley Solicitors 53.4808996 -2.2408592 25243

Roberts Buckley Solicitors



Robert Simon & Co 50.8332086 -0.2733417 25578

Robert Simon & Co


Robinson Allfree 51.3343278 1.4175175 26491

Robinson Allfree


Robyns Owen 52.8898227 -4.4156783 26053

Robyns Owen


ROCK Solicitors 51.4483785 -0.1480284 22920

ROCK Solicitors


Rodl & Partner Legal Ltd 52.48290489999999 -1.9000024 20172

Rodl & Partner Legal Ltd


Roger Curtis 51.1673253 0.546462 13113

Roger Curtis


Rokeby Johnson Baars Solicitors Limited 51.5042641 -0.1904607 16617

Rokeby Johnson Baars Solicitors Limited



Roland Robinsons And Fentons LLP

1 review

Ranked #3000 out of 3302 Commercial Property solicitor firms in the UK

Roland Robinsons And Fentons LLP 53.81754549999999 -3.0471452 19543 Roland Robinsons And Fentons LLP

Roland Robinsons And Fentons LLP



Rollasons Solicitors LLP 52.25772449999999 -1.1599388 24590

Rollasons Solicitors LLP


Rollits LLP 53.74165439999999 -0.3310998 19957

Rollits LLP

