
Top 10 Commercial Property Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Commercial Property solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Pulham And Co 52.2154256 1.4919492 16652

Pulham And Co


Pure Business Law Limited 52.1373277 -0.4646538999999999 27524

Pure Business Law Limited


Pure Law LLP 51.6051052 0.2972933 21335

Pure Law LLP



Qlaw Legal Services Limited 51.2362609 -0.2053648 18648

Qlaw Legal Services Limited


Quality Solicitors Harris Waters 51.56134429999999 0.0860262 23031

Quality Solicitors Harris Waters


Quinn & Co 50.511251 -3.7661342 22916

Quinn & Co


Quinn Melville Barrow LLP 53.4077858 -2.9915616 22971

Quinn Melville Barrow LLP


Quintessence Solicitors 51.5241164 0.0965057 14140

Quintessence Solicitors


Rahman & Co Solicitors Ltd 51.5841617 -0.0757096 14219

Rahman & Co Solicitors Ltd


Rai Solicitors 51.5138997 -0.5935665 23878

Rai Solicitors


Rajinder Singh & Co 52.6288344 -1.122845 24598

Rajinder Singh & Co


Ralli Solicitors LLP 53.480445 -2.2434182 19477

Ralli Solicitors LLP



Range Solicitors 53.4519583 -2.2573345 17957

Range Solicitors


Ranson Houghton LLP 51.2062764 -1.4800519 17571

Ranson Houghton LLP


Raphael Law Limited 51.603245 -0.2711056 14889

Raphael Law Limited


Rashid & Co Solicitors Ltd 52.51226200000001 -1.8855547 14745

Rashid & Co Solicitors Ltd


Rasiah & Co Solicitors 51.4158815 -0.1896098 24769

Rasiah & Co Solicitors


Ratna & Co 51.538084 0.05113239999999999 25653

Ratna & Co


Ravi Sol Ltd 51.574661 -0.3712169 17382

Ravi Sol Ltd


Raymond & Co 51.5462927 -0.0860623 25358

Raymond & Co


Raymond Saul & Co LLP 51.513521 -0.072707 16181

Raymond Saul & Co LLP


R & B Legal Limited 54.1289428 -2.7687301 23342

R & B Legal Limited


Rcm Solicitors 53.7217157 -1.8624676 15331

Rcm Solicitors


Rdp Law Limited 51.60513900000001 -2.9185668 13828

Rdp Law Limited


Rebecca L Faret Solicitors Limited 52.0044177 -0.4927551 13366

Rebecca L Faret Solicitors Limited


Red Bar Law LLP 51.51705159999999 -0.1117478 17268

Red Bar Law LLP


Redfern Legal LLP 51.5111794 -0.1229433 22045

Redfern Legal LLP



Red Rose Law Solicitors Limited 53.7592951 -2.7229275 13180

Red Rose Law Solicitors Limited


RSL LAW Limited 51.5074575 -0.1342216 16756

RSL LAW Limited


Redstone Legal Services Limited 51.5443995 -0.0551488 30750

Redstone Legal Services Limited

