Top 10 Commercial Property Solicitors in the UK
Here you can see the best Commercial Property solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Mt Uk Solicitors Limited
4 reviews
Ranked #1237 out of 3303 Commercial Property solicitor firms in the UK

Newmans Solicitors Limited
5 reviews
Ranked #1239 out of 3303 Commercial Property solicitor firms in the UK
Owens Solicitors Limited
5 reviews
Ranked #1240 out of 3303 Commercial Property solicitor firms in the UK
Value for money - EXCELLENT
"Family Law"
- 31/03/2022
- 14/03/2021
Owens Solicitors Limited have Commercial Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.
Total solicitors: 4

Pothecary Witham Weld Solicitors
3 reviews
Ranked #1241 out of 3303 Commercial Property solicitor firms in the UK
Primarc Solicitors Ltd
5 reviews
Ranked #1242 out of 3303 Commercial Property solicitor firms in the UK
Read Dunn Connell Limited
2 reviews
Ranked #1243 out of 3303 Commercial Property solicitor firms in the UK
Rich & Carr Limited
3 reviews
Ranked #1244 out of 3303 Commercial Property solicitor firms in the UK
Russell - Cooke LLP
13 reviews
Ranked #1245 out of 3303 Commercial Property solicitor firms in the UK
Shentons Solicitors
7 reviews
Ranked #1246 out of 3303 Commercial Property solicitor firms in the UK

Stapleton Gardner Limited
2 reviews
Ranked #1247 out of 3303 Commercial Property solicitor firms in the UK
Starkie & Gregory Incorporating Cruickshanks
3 reviews
Ranked #1248 out of 3303 Commercial Property solicitor firms in the UK
Starkie & Gregory Incorporating Cruickshanks
The Waring Partnership LLP
3 reviews
Ranked #1249 out of 3303 Commercial Property solicitor firms in the UK
Van Eaton Solicitors
11 reviews
Ranked #1250 out of 3303 Commercial Property solicitor firms in the UK
Value for money - EXCELLENT
- 28/01/2023
"Highly recommend "
- 21/01/2023
Van Eaton Solicitors have Commercial Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.
Total solicitors: 1

Wallace Robinson & Morgan Limited
2 reviews
Ranked #1251 out of 3303 Commercial Property solicitor firms in the UK

Whitestone Solicitors Limited
18 reviews
Ranked #1252 out of 3303 Commercial Property solicitor firms in the UK
Williamsons Douglas
3 reviews
Ranked #1253 out of 3303 Commercial Property solicitor firms in the UK
Wixted & Co Limited
4 reviews
Ranked #1254 out of 3303 Commercial Property solicitor firms in the UK
Wykes O'donnell Williams
3 reviews
Ranked #1255 out of 3303 Commercial Property solicitor firms in the UK
Appleby Hope & Matthews
5 reviews
Ranked #1256 out of 3303 Commercial Property solicitor firms in the UK
Ardale Brown (formerly Singh Karran & Co)
4 reviews
Ranked #1257 out of 3303 Commercial Property solicitor firms in the UK
Ardale Brown (formerly Singh Karran & Co)
Austin Kemp Solicitors Limited
10 reviews
Ranked #1259 out of 3303 Commercial Property solicitor firms in the UK
Batt Broadbent Solicitors LLP
2 reviews
Ranked #1260 out of 3303 Commercial Property solicitor firms in the UK
Benson & Co Solicitors
3 reviews
Ranked #1261 out of 3303 Commercial Property solicitor firms in the UK
Bright Legal Solicitors Limited
9 reviews
Ranked #1262 out of 3303 Commercial Property solicitor firms in the UK