
Top 10 Commercial Property Solicitors in Nottingham

Here you can see the best Commercial Property solicitors in Nottingham. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Starkie & Gregory Incorporating Cruickshanks

2 reviews

Ranked #31 out of 58 Commercial Property solicitor firms in Nottingham

Starkie & Gregory Incorporating Cruickshanks 52.8996815 -1.2722795 26393 Starkie & Gregory Incorporating Cruickshanks

Starkie & Gregory Incorporating Cruickshanks



Trent Law Limited

6 reviews

Ranked #32 out of 58 Commercial Property solicitor firms in Nottingham

Trent Law Limited 52.9550652 -1.1616456 16430 Trent Law Limited

Trent Law Limited



Am Law Solicitors Ltd 52.9682712 -1.1604373 16962

Am Law Solicitors Ltd



Excello Law Limited 52.9577373 -1.1505781 43419

Excello Law Limited



Hawley & Rodgers 52.8988114 -1.2711197 26770

Hawley & Rodgers



Shoosmiths LLP 52.94817099999999 -1.1415975 17377

Shoosmiths LLP



Browne Jacobson LLP 52.94728139999999 -1.152926 23560

Browne Jacobson LLP



Eversheds Sutherland (international) LLP 52.9489322 -1.1447222 23815

Eversheds Sutherland (international) LLP



Charles Newton & Co 53.017134 -1.3047846 24242

Charles Newton & Co



Mitchell Wilde LLP 52.928844 -1.2172068 23277

Mitchell Wilde LLP



Buckles Solicitors LLP 52.9511242 -1.1522155 23173

Buckles Solicitors LLP



Edwards Clegg 52.9283259 -1.2163263 13839

Edwards Clegg



Ives And Co Solicitors Limited 52.8919659 -1.1495476 29589

Ives And Co Solicitors Limited


Ashton Bond Gigg 52.9525987 -1.151036 25737

Ashton Bond Gigg


Austin Moore & Partners LLP 52.9547836 -1.1599542 16571

Austin Moore & Partners LLP


A W Fyson Limited 52.95159959999999 -1.1433456 14506

A W Fyson Limited



Bison Solicitors Limited 52.9548852 -1.1552633 53224

Bison Solicitors Limited


Clayton Mott 52.934658 -1.13145 27207

Clayton Mott


Devello Legal Limited

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 58 Commercial Property solicitor firms in Nottingham

Devello Legal Limited have 2 Commercial Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 3

Devello Legal Limited
Devello Legal Limited
Devello Legal Limited 52.9530883 -1.1566677 49124 Devello Legal Limited

Devello Legal Limited


French & Co 52.95464560000001 -1.165896 26968

French & Co



JPA Midlands Ltd

2 reviews

Ranked #51 out of 58 Commercial Property solicitor firms in Nottingham

Value for money - COMPETITIVE

"Great service and very supportive staff"

- 18/11/2020

JPA Midlands Ltd have 1 Commercial Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 1

JPA Midlands Ltd 52.9609647 -1.1751446 19135 JPA Midlands Ltd

JPA Midlands Ltd


Kpmg LLP 52.9532305 -1.1551765 15196

Kpmg LLP


Larkman Lodh Solicitors 52.9290961 -1.1039505 20657

Larkman Lodh Solicitors


Maclaren Warner Limited

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 58 Commercial Property solicitor firms in Nottingham

Maclaren Warner Limited have Commercial Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Maclaren Warner Limited 53.0178296 -1.3066135 37412 Maclaren Warner Limited

Maclaren Warner Limited


Nottingham Law School Legal Advice Centre Limited 52.9577567 -1.1507564 14718

Nottingham Law School Legal Advice Centre Limited


Phillips 52.9682712 -1.1604373 25920



Roythornes Limited 52.9519803 -1.1563469 19402

Roythornes Limited


Siobhan Goodacre Limited 52.9525987 -1.151036 20310

Siobhan Goodacre Limited

