
Top 10 Commercial Property Solicitors in Greater Manchester

Here you can see the best Commercial Property solicitors in Greater Manchester. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Graham Peart 53.4224709 -2.2289116 26164

Graham Peart



Grand & Machyle Solicitors 53.4500708 -2.07832 29357

Grand & Machyle Solicitors


H&a Law Ltd 53.4951663 -2.2353478 17323

H&a Law Ltd


Harry Boodhoo & Co 53.43371399999999 -2.2296946 25879

Harry Boodhoo & Co


Harvard Solicitors Ltd. 53.59837890000001 -2.2895366 28194

Harvard Solicitors Ltd.


H A S Jones Limited 53.4847372 -2.2541122 16968

H A S Jones Limited


Haworth & Lees Solicitors Ltd 53.4575778 -2.2994512 19009

Haworth & Lees Solicitors Ltd


Hewitson & Harker Limited 53.357187 -2.2018069 31090

Hewitson & Harker Limited


Hewlett Swanson Limited 53.4797976 -2.2479047 31517

Hewlett Swanson Limited


Hgf Law LLP 53.4742196 -2.2460492 16684

Hgf Law LLP


Hyland Legal Limited 53.5818676 -2.4319742 15549

Hyland Legal Limited


Integra Solicitors Limited 53.3786859 -2.1360477 14314

Integra Solicitors Limited



I S Lawyers Ltd 53.5631769 -2.4101185 16277

I S Lawyers Ltd


Jackson Brierley Hudson Stoney Incorporating A.h. Sutcliffe & Co 53.6189537 -2.1591037 26672

Jackson Brierley Hudson Stoney Incorporating A.h. Sutcliffe & Co


Jane Hartley Associates Limited 53.4806282 -2.2417316 13844

Jane Hartley Associates Limited


John Birkby & Co 53.5469944 -2.0889883 20465

John Birkby & Co


Juris Solicitors Ltd 53.4557198 -2.2038961 16094

Juris Solicitors Ltd


Kemps Solicitors 53.5398078 -2.115666 24715

Kemps Solicitors


Km Solicitors Limited 53.5078994 -2.241585300000001 14761

Km Solicitors Limited


Kphp Limited 53.4257789 -2.2379587 17530

Kphp Limited


Kpmg LLP 53.4774616 -2.2430093 15199

Kpmg LLP


Land Law LLP 53.3883853 -2.3512846 22001

Land Law LLP


Lcm Family Limited 53.4806706 -2.2467979 13286

Lcm Family Limited


Lisa Tonge Solicitors 53.524573 -2.396396 23678

Lisa Tonge Solicitors


Lockett Loveday Mcmahon 53.4764531 -2.2439076 24286

Lockett Loveday Mcmahon



Longfords 53.5406598 -2.0976213 23038



Marie De Louise Solicitors 53.5281127 -2.3448241 27817

Marie De Louise Solicitors


Markel Law LLP 53.48162050000001 -2.2443893 22252

Markel Law LLP


Martins 53.4847709 -2.3351425 25518



Mcr Law Associates Limited 53.441318 -2.1891132 28514

Mcr Law Associates Limited

