
Top 10 Commercial Property Solicitors in Bristol

Here you can see the best Commercial Property solicitors in Bristol. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Star Legal Limited

460 reviews

Ranked #11 out of 75 Commercial Property solicitor firms in Bristol

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Our Trusted Solicitors"

- 18/12/2024

"Mr Darren Burleigh"

- 11/11/2024

Star Legal Limited have 1 Commercial Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Star Legal Limited 51.4571882 -2.6099297 17251 Star Legal Limited

Star Legal Limited



Kidwells Law Solicitors Limited

329 reviews

Ranked #12 out of 75 Commercial Property solicitor firms in Bristol

Value for money - EXCELLENT


- 22/12/2024


- 20/12/2024

Kidwells Law Solicitors Limited have Commercial Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Kidwells Law Solicitors Limited 51.4527758 -2.5883412 48758 Kidwells Law Solicitors Limited

Kidwells Law Solicitors Limited



FDC Law Solicitors

139 reviews

Ranked #13 out of 75 Commercial Property solicitor firms in Bristol

Value for money - EXCELLENT


- 05/11/2024

"100% Happy With Overall Service"

- 30/10/2024

FDC Law Solicitors have 1 Commercial Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 5

FDC Law Solicitors
FDC Law Solicitors
FDC Law Solicitors
FDC Law Solicitors
FDC Law Solicitors
FDC Law Solicitors 51.4145561 -2.4982952 27000 FDC Law Solicitors

FDC Law Solicitors



Fountain Solicitors Limited 51.4503686 -2.5824245 29021

Fountain Solicitors Limited



Veale Wasbrough Vizards LLP

62 reviews

Ranked #15 out of 75 Commercial Property solicitor firms in Bristol

Veale Wasbrough Vizards LLP 51.4492415 -2.5973329 16460 Veale Wasbrough Vizards LLP

Veale Wasbrough Vizards LLP



Batchelor Sharp

131 reviews

Ranked #16 out of 75 Commercial Property solicitor firms in Bristol

Value for money - EXCELLENT


- 20/12/2024


- 18/12/2024

Batchelor Sharp have 2 Commercial Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 2

Batchelor Sharp
Batchelor Sharp 51.4631701 -2.511708 954 Batchelor Sharp

Batchelor Sharp



Clarke Willmott LLP 51.4538909 -2.590097 20627

Clarke Willmott LLP



Adams Burrows

40 reviews

Ranked #18 out of 75 Commercial Property solicitor firms in Bristol

Value for money - EXCELLENT


- 09/08/2024


- 28/03/2024

Adams Burrows have 3 Commercial Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 2

Adams Burrows
Adams Burrows 51.4809132 -2.5048505 25104 Adams Burrows

Adams Burrows



Acuity Law Limited 51.4527758 -2.5883412 37143

Acuity Law Limited



Shakespeare Martineau Llp

100 reviews

Ranked #20 out of 75 Commercial Property solicitor firms in Bristol

Value for money - EXCELLENT


- 15/12/2022


- 13/12/2022

Shakespeare Martineau Llp have 7 Commercial Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Shakespeare Martineau Llp 51.4522501 -2.5837724 37615 Shakespeare Martineau Llp

Shakespeare Martineau Llp



Hcb Widdows Mason Limited 51.5425856 -2.5724594 41997

Hcb Widdows Mason Limited



Henriques Griffiths LLP 51.46128110000001 -2.5848953 17555

Henriques Griffiths LLP



Birketts Llp 51.4505357 -2.5867726 53200

Birketts Llp



National Legal Service Limited 51.4570079 -2.5853444 27862

National Legal Service Limited



Wards Solicitors LLP 51.4555173 -2.5938743 26312

Wards Solicitors LLP



Capstone Solicitors 51.4733063 -2.5913842 17102

Capstone Solicitors



Das Law Limited 51.4532806 -2.5862897 23040

Das Law Limited



Jury O'Shea Llp 51.469566 -2.6140538 45030

Jury O'Shea Llp


29 51.4523623 -2.5936607 24013



Lyons Davidson Limited 51.4497725 -2.5954835 16957

Lyons Davidson Limited



Bs Singh & Co LLP 51.46379690000001 -2.5706909 20495

Bs Singh & Co LLP



Corfield Solicitors 51.4736662 -2.632668 20640

Corfield Solicitors



Kelcey & Hall 51.455277 -2.5951665 5703

Kelcey & Hall



Clp Group Limited 51.4489876 -2.5834862 19483

Clp Group Limited



Co-operative Legal Services Limited 51.5420196 -2.5733275 17624

Co-operative Legal Services Limited



Freeths LLP

13 reviews

Ranked #36 out of 75 Commercial Property solicitor firms in Bristol

Freeths LLP 51.4522501 -2.5837724 30376 Freeths LLP

Freeths LLP



Thrings LLP 51.4527758 -2.5883412 20618

Thrings LLP



Bevan Brittan LLP 51.4548395 -2.5874179 23386

Bevan Brittan LLP



Cooke Painter Limited 51.4347913 -2.5666896 19822

Cooke Painter Limited



Merrett & Co 51.377271 -2.6433492 25013

Merrett & Co

