
Top 10 Solicitors in City of Edinburgh

Here you can see the best solicitors in City of Edinburgh. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

D. Duheric & Co Solicitors 55.9521411 -3.2029056 12251

D. Duheric & Co Solicitors


Deans Solicitors and Estate Agents LLP 55.9435386 -3.1837775 34355

Deans Solicitors and Estate Agents LLP


Deloitte Llp 55.9474822 -3.2042824 33555

Deloitte Llp


Dickson Minto 55.951148 -3.2088963 11844

Dickson Minto


DLA Piper Scotland LLP 55.9490615 -3.2090077 12431

DLA Piper Scotland LLP


DMD Law LLP 55.9427321 -3.2779785 11396



Doyle & Co. 55.9603805 -3.1825136 11961

Doyle & Co.


Dunne Defence Lawyers 55.9514821 -3.2105562 12157

Dunne Defence Lawyers


Efficax Limited 55.94995340000001 -3.2120466 34386

Efficax Limited


Elmslie's Ltd 55.9461107 -3.2221898 35181

Elmslie's Ltd


ELP-AM Solicitors Limited 55.9746803 -3.1849049 34389

ELP-AM Solicitors Limited


Employment Law Practice 55.9657132 -3.2705494 11354

Employment Law Practice


Ennova Limited 55.9434017 -3.1905301 34392

Ennova Limited


Ergo Law Limited 55.9501861 -3.2112211 34394

Ergo Law Limited


Eversheds Sutherland (International) LLP 55.9507568 -3.212135 34396

Eversheds Sutherland (International) LLP


Fergusson Law 55.9579801 -3.1905147 12029

Fergusson Law


Fiducia-Legal Limited 55.9476077 -3.1030398 34407

Fiducia-Legal Limited


Fiona McPhail Solicitors 55.9506961 -3.206416 34414

Fiona McPhail Solicitors


Flemings Legal Services Limited 55.9571684 -3.1926998 34418

Flemings Legal Services Limited


Flexlaw Ltd 55.9533703 -3.202175 11392

Flexlaw Ltd


Forrester, Ogilvie & Co. 55.9363695 -3.2177528 11779

Forrester, Ogilvie & Co.


Frances E Sim Ltd 55.966078 -3.2305419 34424

Frances E Sim Ltd


Fraser Brooks & Company WS Limited 55.9535589 -3.2003391 11623

Fraser Brooks & Company WS Limited


George More & Company LLP 55.97305919999999 -3.1762684 34449

George More & Company LLP


Gildeas Limited 55.9499604 -3.2127027 11232

Gildeas Limited


Gilfedder & McInnes Limited 55.9684671 -3.1731473 11838

Gilfedder & McInnes Limited


Gillespie Macandrew Llp 55.9483776 -3.2110198 35517

Gillespie Macandrew Llp


G J Hunter & Co Limited 55.9547822 -3.1570056 12105

G J Hunter & Co Limited


Good & Stewart Limited 55.9426756 -3.1795738 34460

Good & Stewart Limited

