
Top 10 Solicitors in Bradford

Here you can see the best solicitors in Bradford. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Patel & Bhatoa 53.7975685 -1.711952 31878

Patel & Bhatoa


Pearson Locke Limited 53.7690965 -1.7621668 41864

Pearson Locke Limited


Platinum Partnership Solicitors 53.799768 -1.7598225 52950

Platinum Partnership Solicitors


Porto Bella Solicitors Ltd 53.7855976 -1.7872139 27846

Porto Bella Solicitors Ltd


Precedence Law Limited 53.7969104 -1.7556639 18765

Precedence Law Limited


Priestley Legal Ltd 53.7972129 -1.7345483 36968

Priestley Legal Ltd


Princeton Legal Limited 53.8050879 -1.7311737 47310

Princeton Legal Limited


Prolegis Limited 53.8058206 -1.7855107 15001

Prolegis Limited


Rafiq & Co Solicitors Ltd 53.782473 -1.7822605 14528

Rafiq & Co Solicitors Ltd


Read Dunn Connell Limited 53.7942811 -1.7447188 14436

Read Dunn Connell Limited


Rehman Solicitors 53.8025254 -1.743124 52999

Rehman Solicitors


Rhodes & Walker Limited 53.7941604 -1.746475 44065

Rhodes & Walker Limited


Rkn Solicitors Limited 53.799768 -1.7598225 16492

Rkn Solicitors Limited


Shahid Ali & Co Solicitors Ltd 53.788067 -1.765065 28790

Shahid Ali & Co Solicitors Ltd


Shire Solicitors 53.799768 -1.7598225 32308

Shire Solicitors


Simon B. Halliwell Solicitors 53.9131942 -1.9378973 52688

Simon B. Halliwell Solicitors


Wrightways Law Ltd 53.7974307 -1.755175 31768

Wrightways Law Ltd


Ya & Co Solicitors Limited 53.78636299999999 -1.7756379 15746

Ya & Co Solicitors Limited


Yorkshire Legal Limited 53.8059831 -1.7712818 28632

Yorkshire Legal Limited

