
Top 10 Banking Solicitors in Leeds

Here you can see the best Banking solicitors in Leeds. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Gordons LLP 53.7935311 -1.5577634 22586

Gordons LLP



Lcf Law Limited 53.7973592 -1.5511287 14908

Lcf Law Limited



Needle Partners Limited 53.8256064 -1.5286524 7306

Needle Partners Limited



Schofield Sweeney LLP 53.79669639999999 -1.5533123 23912

Schofield Sweeney LLP


Addleshaw Goddard LLP 53.7961049 -1.5497251 22640

Addleshaw Goddard LLP


Addlestone Keane Limited 53.7972775 -1.554885 15390

Addlestone Keane Limited


Aia Solicitors Limited 53.7914796 -1.5662692 29315

Aia Solicitors Limited


Alt-legal Limited 53.7948691 -1.5468882 14916

Alt-legal Limited


Ascent Performance Group Limited 53.795888 -1.5583155 38892

Ascent Performance Group Limited


Bailoran Limited 53.8307968 -1.5390019 16537

Bailoran Limited


Billy Hughes & Co. Limited 53.795888 -1.5583155 20960

Billy Hughes & Co. Limited


Bw Legal Services Ltd 53.7869879 -1.5463393 17286

Bw Legal Services Ltd


Dac Beachcroft Llp 53.798555 -1.5527916 31387

Dac Beachcroft Llp


Dla Piper Uk LLP 53.7955067 -1.5500307 23528

Dla Piper Uk LLP


Drydens Limited 53.8010517 -1.542729 20576

Drydens Limited


Gowling Wlg (Uk) Llp 53.7919928 -1.5525728 44599

Gowling Wlg (Uk) Llp


Kpmg LLP 53.7937759 -1.5462996 15203

Kpmg LLP


Leonard Curtis Legal Limited 53.7975789 -1.5472467 36222

Leonard Curtis Legal Limited


Morrison Mackay 53.93493789999999 -1.3954388 24134

Morrison Mackay



Pinsent Masons LLP 53.79713049999999 -1.5468403 21664

Pinsent Masons LLP


Pricewaterhousecoopers LLP 53.7965636 -1.5562741 13520

Pricewaterhousecoopers LLP


Progeny Law And Tax Limited 53.79736279999999 -1.5512557 14523

Progeny Law And Tax Limited


Rradar Limited 53.7948691 -1.5468882 29495

Rradar Limited


Square One Law Llp 53.7974146 -1.5468275 31503

Square One Law Llp


Squire Patton Boggs (uk) LLP 53.795888 -1.5583155 21467

Squire Patton Boggs (uk) LLP


Tapestry Compliance Ltd. 53.7958625 -1.5487891 39409

Tapestry Compliance Ltd.


Walker Morris LLP 53.7964113 -1.5539833 20781

Walker Morris LLP



Womble Bond Dickinson (uk) LLP 53.7946671 -1.55385 22317

Womble Bond Dickinson (uk) LLP

