
Top 10 Agriculture Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Agriculture solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Hallett & Co

29 reviews

Ranked #290 out of 602 Agriculture solicitor firms in the UK

Hallett & Co 51.1485972 0.8714392999999999 26827 Hallett & Co

Hallett & Co



Nexa Law Limited

30 reviews

Ranked #291 out of 602 Agriculture solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT


- 27/03/2025


- 27/03/2025

Nexa Law Limited have Agriculture solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 3

Nexa Law Limited
Nexa Law Limited
Nexa Law Limited
Nexa Law Limited 52.8583791 -3.0527315 27428 Nexa Law Limited

Nexa Law Limited



Clarion Solicitors Limited 53.7972775 -1.554885 19770

Clarion Solicitors Limited



Faith Williams Law Limited

16 reviews

Ranked #293 out of 602 Agriculture solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Paul Parkes"

- 04/11/2024


- 30/10/2024

Faith Williams Law Limited have Agriculture solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Faith Williams Law Limited 53.2421612 -0.5382821 38434 Faith Williams Law Limited

Faith Williams Law Limited



Taylor & Emmet Limited Liability Partnership 53.3818955 -1.466304 9794

Taylor & Emmet Limited Liability Partnership



Pinkney Grunwells Lawyers LLP 54.2790116 -0.407991 21962

Pinkney Grunwells Lawyers LLP



Richard Wilson Solicitors Limited

34 reviews

Ranked #296 out of 602 Agriculture solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Great support and advice "

- 22/11/2024

"Absolutely superb throughout!"

- 24/09/2024

Richard Wilson Solicitors Limited have Agriculture solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 9

Richard Wilson Solicitors Limited
Richard Wilson Solicitors Limited
Richard Wilson Solicitors Limited
Richard Wilson Solicitors Limited
Richard Wilson Solicitors Limited
+4 more
Richard Wilson Solicitors Limited 51.4841156 -1.0860602 23189 Richard Wilson Solicitors Limited

Richard Wilson Solicitors Limited



Paul F. Harfitt & Co

18 reviews

Ranked #297 out of 602 Agriculture solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Excellent "

- 04/07/2024


- 02/07/2024

Paul F. Harfitt & Co have Agriculture solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 2

Paul F. Harfitt & Co
Paul F. Harfitt & Co 52.85572 -2.7232183 26805 Paul F. Harfitt & Co

Paul F. Harfitt & Co



Wayman & Long

30 reviews

Ranked #298 out of 602 Agriculture solicitor firms in the UK

Wayman & Long 52.0785802 0.5807938 26298 Wayman & Long

Wayman & Long



Blackett Hart & Pratt LLP 54.5430523 -1.57822 22556

Blackett Hart & Pratt LLP



Dawson Radford Limited

31 reviews

Ranked #300 out of 602 Agriculture solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Directors Service Agreement"

- 20/03/2023

"Professional "

- 09/03/2023

Dawson Radford Limited have Agriculture solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 3

Dawson Radford Limited
Dawson Radford Limited
Dawson Radford Limited
Dawson Radford Limited 53.2815223 -1.2860546 13300 Dawson Radford Limited

Dawson Radford Limited



BWL Legal Ltd

24 reviews

Ranked #301 out of 602 Agriculture solicitor firms in the UK

BWL Legal Ltd 52.4785688 -1.9003594 31270 BWL Legal Ltd

BWL Legal Ltd



Jolliffe & Co LLP

46 reviews

Ranked #302 out of 602 Agriculture solicitor firms in the UK

Jolliffe & Co LLP 53.1898895 -2.8879702 16740 Jolliffe & Co LLP

Jolliffe & Co LLP



Max Engel & Co LLP

9 reviews

Ranked #303 out of 602 Agriculture solicitor firms in the UK

Max Engel & Co LLP 52.236334 -0.8906904 23630 Max Engel & Co LLP

Max Engel & Co LLP



Branch Austin McCormick LLP

29 reviews

Ranked #304 out of 602 Agriculture solicitor firms in the UK

Branch Austin McCormick LLP 51.509266 -0.1371733 33457 Branch Austin McCormick LLP

Branch Austin McCormick LLP



Price & Kelway Limited

71 reviews

Ranked #305 out of 602 Agriculture solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Very professional"

- 20/03/2023

"Nothing was too much trouble"

- 20/03/2023

Price & Kelway Limited have 1 Agriculture solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 1

Price & Kelway Limited 51.7124421 -5.035485 26280 Price & Kelway Limited

Price & Kelway Limited



Birketts LLP

22 reviews

Ranked #306 out of 602 Agriculture solicitor firms in the UK

Birketts LLP 52.0533771 1.1482121 22597 Birketts LLP

Birketts LLP



Sacaloffs Solicitors

6 reviews

Ranked #307 out of 602 Agriculture solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Without prejudice and subject to contract: our client MS."

- 20/03/2025

"I could not have asked for a better recommendation! "

- 21/12/2024

Sacaloffs Solicitors have Agriculture solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 1

Sacaloffs Solicitors
Sacaloffs Solicitors 51.54478229999999 -0.1040524 23714 Sacaloffs Solicitors

Sacaloffs Solicitors



Porter Dodson LLP 50.9424514 -2.6329574 16987

Porter Dodson LLP



Ray Borley Dunkley LLP 52.0578109 -0.8549486 19601

Ray Borley Dunkley LLP



Aaron & Partners LLP 53.1924182 -2.8827689 92

Aaron & Partners LLP



Jury O'shea LLP 51.5128978 -0.1067745 19371

Jury O'shea LLP



Gilbert Stephens LLP 50.7237823 -3.5259059 19585

Gilbert Stephens LLP



Merit Legal Limited

42 reviews

Ranked #313 out of 602 Agriculture solicitor firms in the UK

Merit Legal Limited 52.4858556 -1.9023814 14624 Merit Legal Limited

Merit Legal Limited



Hastings & Co. 55.5982025 -2.4345842 11302

Hastings & Co.



Newtons Solicitors Limited 54.0010434 -1.4430722 20564

Newtons Solicitors Limited



Forrester Sylvester Mackett LLP 51.4588197 -2.1134415 14628

Forrester Sylvester Mackett LLP



Pickering & Butters LLP 52.8056291 -2.1163591 20751

Pickering & Butters LLP



Bell Park Kerridge Limited 54.93088100000001 -2.9566582 20753

Bell Park Kerridge Limited



Cullimore Dutton Solicitors Limited

44 reviews

Ranked #319 out of 602 Agriculture solicitor firms in the UK

Cullimore Dutton Solicitors Limited 53.1890209 -2.8935347 14347 Cullimore Dutton Solicitors Limited

Cullimore Dutton Solicitors Limited

