
Top 10 Solicitors in Aberdeen City

Here you can see the best solicitors in Aberdeen City. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

McDougall & Co. 57.1435159 -2.117374 11325

McDougall & Co.


MCFLS Limited 57.1458901 -2.1041774 35123

MCFLS Limited


McIntosh Family Law 57.1466857 -2.118607 34711

McIntosh Family Law


Michael Horsman & Co. 57.1471958 -2.1002479 11266

Michael Horsman & Co.


Michael S. Allan, 57.1717508 -2.1158761 11254

Michael S. Allan,


Muirhead Buchanan 57.1418909 -2.1062812 11677

Muirhead Buchanan


Mullen and Co 57.1483892 -2.0983006 34761

Mullen and Co


Murray Ormiston LLP 57.1474503 -2.0964805 11681

Murray Ormiston LLP


Norris Employment Limited 57.1430279 -2.110647 35198

Norris Employment Limited


Northern Law 57.1664274 -2.168744 11391

Northern Law


Outside Inhouse Legal Limited 57.1296307 -2.1434033 34795

Outside Inhouse Legal Limited


Patience & Buchan 57.1464197 -2.1045921 11320

Patience & Buchan


Pat Sinclair & Co. 57.1460669 -2.1175473 12427

Pat Sinclair & Co.


Peterkins 57.1467478 -2.0988089 11789



Pinsent Masons LLP 57.1419509 -2.1299137 29110

Pinsent Masons LLP


Plenderleath Runcie LLP 57.1436836 -2.1107646 11469

Plenderleath Runcie LLP


Pricewaterhousecoopers LLP 57.1427973 -2.1215685 29654

Pricewaterhousecoopers LLP


Proactive Employment Lawyers 57.1325482 -2.1426805 11312

Proactive Employment Lawyers


Sandison Kennedy Limited 57.1430854 -2.1285005 34874

Sandison Kennedy Limited


Shepherd And Wedderburn Llp 57.1435159 -2.117374 32299

Shepherd And Wedderburn Llp


Simpson & Marwick 57.1446019 -2.1183028 11004

Simpson & Marwick


Solicitors Direct 57.1320022 -2.135351 35161

Solicitors Direct


Spanish + Scottish Law Practice Limited 57.1431758 -2.1058223 34895

Spanish + Scottish Law Practice Limited


Stronachs LLP 57.1427973 -2.1215685 34912

Stronachs LLP


Stronachs LLP 57.1426478 -2.1232869 11467

Stronachs LLP


Taggart Meil Mathers 57.1427351 -2.1064159 11341

Taggart Meil Mathers


The Commercial Law Practice LLP 57.1435159 -2.117374 11350

The Commercial Law Practice LLP


The Law Practice 57.1404301 -2.1134269 9941

The Law Practice

