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Bell & Craig Limited

01786 470444

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Bell & Craig Limited

How Bell & Craig Limited Compares

Value for money

This firm - 67%
National Average
Poor Competitive Excellent

Excellent does not necessarily mean ‘cheap’. It means that clients thought that the level of service received was Excellent for what they paid.

This score has been calculated using up to the last 300 reviews left by clients of Bell & Craig Limited on ReviewSolicitors.

As part of our review questionnaire we ask reviewer questions about the value for money they felt they received by using Bell & Craig Limited. These questions include:

  • Value for money (a rating of 1-5)
  • How much were you initially quoted or how much did you expect to pay?
  • Approximately how much did you end up spending for the legal services provided (ignoring disbursements and court fees)
  • Did you think this was underpriced, overpriced or about right?
  • Overall experience

We use data science to amalgamate the answers to these questions and create a ‘ReviewSolicitors score’ out of 100. The above chart representation score is a simple percentage representation of the averaged score across those who have reviewed this law firm.

Underpriced 0%
Overpriced 42%
About Right 57%

If you would like to read more about how we work with our review data please see our Transparency section.

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Would recommend to
friends and family

This firm - 40%
National Average
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%

ReviewSolicitors uses our community data to show you how many clients used Bell & Craig Limited and have had a satisfactory experience where they have indicated that they would recommend the services of the law firm to their friends and family.

You can use this data to see how Bell & Craig Limited performs against other law firms nationally. A score close to 100% indicates that this firm is highly valued by their clients.

As part of our review questionnaire we ask the question:

"Would you recommend this firm to somebody else?"

The reviewer can select either “Yes” or “No”.

The above score is a simple percentage representation of the total amount of clients who selected the “Yes” option:

Yes 40%
No 60%

If you would like to read more about how we work with our review data please see our Transparency section.

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Satisfied with
outcome of matter

This firm - 50%
National Average
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%

ReviewSolicitors uses our community data to show you how many clients used Bell & Craig Limited and were satisfied with the outcome of their matter. Being satisfied with the outcome of your matter is an important consideration to have in mind.

You can use this data to see how Bell & Craig Limited compares to the national average of clients being satisfied with the outcome of their matter after instructing a solicitor.

As part of our review questionnaire we ask the question:

"Were you satisfied with the outcome of your case?"

The reviewer can select either “Yes” or “No”.

The above score is a simple percentage representation of the total amount of clients who selected the “Yes” option:

Yes 50%
No 50%

If you would like to read more about how we work with our review data please see our Transparency section.

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Rankings by area of expertise

The rankings below show the areas of expertise that Bell & Craig Limited offers to clients. You can see how good the service offered is in comparison to all other law firms nationally.

Data shown above is based on the reviews and client feedback collected by ReviewSolicitors over the last 12 months.

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Review Sources

Client Reviews


Reviews summary

  • Excellent

  • Very Good

  • Average

  • Poor

  • Awful


Overall experience

  • Value For Money
  • Communication
  • Initial Impressions
  • Approachability
  • Documentation Accuracy
  • Legal knowledge


December 15, 2022

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Collected on:

Stirling office of Bell & Craig

Very bad experience, will never use them again.

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December 13, 2022

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Collected on:

Worst lawyers ever

I recently purchased a property and found leaks in the property one being in the boiler. I tried for 3 weeks to get someone to try and fix this but no one did. I had to get my own heating engineer to come out and look at it. The boiler was unsafe and had to be condemned, and was told this could’ve put me family in danger. I told bell and Craig about this and was told I was abusive for being angry that I’d been sold a house that’s heating isn’t working. I would stay away from these people as once they’ve got your money they don’t care.

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November 13, 2022

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Terrible once you have paid them

Once they’ve got their money they have no interest in helping you Infact they’re attitude completely changes and they become rude and unprofessional. Never got ours keys until 4pm and had to drive 2 hours to get them. Absolutely no sense or urgency and made us feel like a pain for calling them. Our moving date was supposed to be the happiest day of our life and instead this company made it the worst.

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February 15, 2022

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Collected on:


Poor communication, constantly having to chase them up. Fergus Bell and his team gave me unsatisfactory service. I was not confident in the experience of my solicitor. Will not use them again.

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September 20, 2020

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Collected on:


I agree with a previous review in regards to poor communication. Overall impression I got throughout was that I was an inconvenience rather than a paying client.
Some of it was possibly down to inexperience but I fear the rest of the unhelpful service may be company culture. I note that Bell and Craig are consistently highway rated when it comes to conveyancing so I can only assume that property business is their comfort zone.

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August 14, 2020

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Collected on:

Awful communication

Poor communication throughout. Constantly have to chase them and they give no clarity on the process whatsoever without pressing

Fergus the partner seems ambivalent to his teams poor performance

Use someone else

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Matter Type:

Residential Conveyancing


July 13, 2020

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Collected on:

Conveyancing Expertise

I received excellent service from George Craig when I recently moved house. All formalities were effectively and efficiently handled in the most professional and friendly way. And all this was conducted during difficult circumstances due to the Covid pandemic, but this did not adversely affect the service I received in any way whatsoever.

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December 03, 2020

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Collected on:

Great Service

Lisa takes all the stress out of buying a property. Great service with minimum fuss. Would highly recommend.

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Matter Type:

Residential Conveyancing


October 08, 2019

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Collected on:


I have used Bell and Craig Solicitors in Falkirk for the past 7 years and in that time purchased and sold a number of properties, always dealing with Lisa Taylor. I cannot recommend highly enough. Lisa is fantastic; friendly, honest, proactive and doesn't laugh at my stupid questions. Everything has always gone very smoothly with the transactions and legals which means I am always at ease and know I'm in good hands.

On a recent house purchase in particular there were issues with changes to dates of entry, issues with mortgage offers etc that were all completely outwith our control, but Lisa really fought my corner, going above and beyond to make sure everything went through on time.

Cannot recommend enough!

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Matter Type:

Residential Conveyancing


June 28, 2019

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Collected on:

Excellent experience with Bell & Craig Falkirk

We dealt with Lisa Taylor for the part exchange of our house and the purchase of a new property. Lisa was so friendly and professional the whole time, nothing was too much bother. Everything was explained to us in a clear and concise manner, and we were kept up to date throughout the whole process. Lisa was very efficient and worked tirelessly to overcome an unforeseen issue which may have caused us a delay in moving to our new property. I would highly recommend Bell & Craig Ltd, and if you’re lucky enough to deal with Lisa you’ll be in great hands.

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About this branch

Regulated by

Law Society of Scotland

Legal services